Monday, September 29, 2008

Bail Out Plan Axed!

Unless you have been hiding under a rock the last few days, I am sure you have heard of the "Bail out plan" or more appropriately called the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. This bail out plan was intended to help pull the USA out of it's current economic turmoil. Congress did not pass the bill. It was defeated by a vote of 228-205. As a result, the dow took a huge dive today, falling 777 points. The biggest decline since the day after the terrorists attack of 9/11.
Here is a brief summary of the proposed bill :

I. Stabilizing the Economy

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (EESA) provides up to $700 billionto the Secretary of the Treasury to buy mortgages and other assets that are clogging thebalance sheets of financial institutions and making it difficult for working families, smallbusinesses, and other companies to access credit, which is vital to a strong and stableeconomy. EESA also establishes a program that would allow companies to insure theirtroubled assets.

II. Homeownership Preservation
EESA requires the Treasury to modify troubled loans – many the result of predatorylending practices – wherever possible to help American families keep their homes. Italso directs other federal agencies to modify loans that they own or control. Finally, itimproves the HOPE for Homeowners program by expanding eligibility and increasingthe tools available to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to help morefamilies keep their homes.

III. Taxpayer Protection
Taxpayers should not be expected to pay for Wall Street’s mistakes. The legislationrequires companies that sell some of their bad assets to the government to providewarrants so that taxpayers will benefit from any future growth these companies mayexperience as a result of participation in this program. The legislation also requires thePresident to submit legislation that would cover any losses to taxpayers resulting fromthis program from financial institutions.

IV. No Windfalls for Executives
Executives who made bad decisions should not be allowed to dump their bad assets onthe government, and then walk away with millions of dollars in bonuses. In order toparticipate in this program, companies will lose certain tax benefits and, in some cases,must limit executive pay. In addition, the bill limits “golden parachutes” and requiresthat unearned bonuses be returned.

V. Strong Oversight
Rather than giving the Treasury all the funds at once, the legislation gives the Treasury$250 billion immediately, then requires the President to certify that additional funds areneeded ($100 billion, then $350 billion subject to Congressional disapproval). TheTreasury must report on the use of the funds and the progress in addressing the crisis.EESA also establishes an Oversight Board so that the Treasury cannot act in an arbitrarymanner. It also establishes a special inspector general to protect against waste, fraud andabuse.

Congress will be meeting within the next few days to see if they can come to an agreement of some other sort and propose another bill that may help boost the current ecomonic crisis.
Will keep you posted!

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Housing and Economic Recovery Act

The Housing and Economic Recovery Act

This week, President Bush signed the "Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008" into law. This $300 Billion rescue plan is aimed at helping struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure, as well as boost confidence in the housing market. Although the bill is several hundred pages long and contains a number of far-reaching provisions, here are a few of the major provisions in the legislation that impact homeowners and homebuyers:
1. Tax credits. First-time homebuyers who purchase their primary residence on or after April 9, 2008 and before July 1, 2009 are eligible for up to $7,500 in tax credit, provided they haven't owned a home in the last three years and fit certain income parameters. The credit is generous, but it is actually an interest free loan, paid back over 15 years at $500 per year when taxes are filed.
Special note: Some types of seller-paid down payment assistance programs are being eliminated as of October 1st as well - so purchasing a home before then may gain you a double benefit of tax credits AND seller-paid down payment assistance while it is still available.
2. Larger loans at lower rates. There have recently been provisions in place that have allowed loans larger than $417,000 to qualify for better financing rates than normally would be available for "jumbo" loan amounts of that size, thanks to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Although these provisions were set to expire, they are being extended...however, the top end of the loan size that will be allowed under these programs will be dropping down from $729,750 to $625,500 as of January 1, 2009.
3. FHA Hope for Homeowners. This provision is designed to help homeowners who are "upside down" on their mortgages--that is, they owe more on their house than they can sell it for in today's market. Essentially, this plan allows homeowners who meet the requirements and are upside down to refinance their mortgage to a new 30-year Fixed FHA mortgage. There are a number of qualifying details that must be met and requirements to be agreed to -- including agreeing to split the equity in your home with the government in the future. Still, if you're upside down on your mortgage and struggling in today's economy, this is an option worth exploring in more detail.
These are just a few of the provisions that may benefit you, and there are a number of other items that impact the housing and mortgage industry as whole. But the bottom line is, home prices are extremely reasonable right now, home loan rates are low, and new incentives are in place that may help make the decision to buy even more appealing than before. If you're in the market for a new home or need to make some changes with your current mortgage...there's never been a better time to act. Just get in touch so we can start the planning process together

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Next HOA meeting

The next HOA meeting will be on Aug 28th at 6:30 PM.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Wanted- HOA board members

We currently have three positions available for the board of directors. I am the secretary of the HOA and if you want to be proactive in knowing what is going on at SMR, this is a great opportunity. Meetings are only once every six weeks and it is a great way to meet your neighbors, listen to their concerns and suggestions, and also help keep our community a wonderful place to live. Ballots will be mailed out within the next week. Consider this opportunity and be a contributing source to SMR!

Friday, May 16, 2008

HOA Meeting

The next scheduled HOA meeting is May 19 at 6:30 at Terramar Elementary School

Monday, May 12, 2008


If you've noticed your grocery bill getting bigger lately, you're not alone - and it's likely not because you're eating more. According to Rising Food Prices: Policy Options and World Bank Response, global wheat prices have increased a whopping 181% over the past three years - and overall, food prices have increased by 83%!
Concerned? You're not alone. A recent poll showed that 73% of consumers cite higher grocery bills as a concern; with nearly half saying food inflation has caused a hardship for their households. In fact, food prices ranked just below record-high gasoline prices on the list of things people are worried about.
According to Gregory Karp, author of Living Rich by Spending Smart, here are three simple ways you can save when it comes to food and drink prices:
Time your grocery shopping. With the exception of milk, eggs, and bread, most grocery store products are put on sale at least once every 12 weeks, as Karp notes, often for "20%-30% their usual price." So instead of buying what you need every week or two, stock up on non-perishables when they go on sale. It may take a little planning ahead on your part, but the annual savings is substantial. As Karp writes, "The average American family of four spends about $8,500 on groceries each year. Trimming that bill by 20% saves $1,700."
Make eating out a special treat. Enjoying a nice meal out is always a fun thing to do, so let it be just that, a fun thing to do rather than a solution for being too tired or too rushed to cook. When you do have the time and energy to cook, make two or three times the amount and freeze the extras. Then, when you're rushed, a home-cooked (and probably healthier) meal will be waiting in your freezer, and will likely take less time to reheat than a night out or take-out delivery. And you will save more than time: According to Karp, "A restaurant meal for two costs $30 even at inexpensive chain restaurants. Home-cooked meals typically cost half as much, if not less. Convert two restaurant trips into two frozen homemade dinners each month, and you will save $360 per year."
Don't buy bottled water. Believe it or not, recent tests have shown that bottled water and tap water are pretty equal when it comes to safety and taste. For example, ABC News tested New York City tap water and bottled water for bacteria and found no difference in purity. Plus, there are environmental benefits of using less plastic. Karp estimates that people who drink one $6 case of bottled water each week can save $311 per year if they stop buying bottled water. He notes that "tap water costs five cents per gallon, or less than two cents per equivalent case - about $1 for the year."
Hey, if you eat...rising food prices impact you. Use the above tips and suggestions to help minimize your concerns about rising food prices, and stay healthy and smart.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


...and that means it's time to wash away those winter blues! In fact, according to the Soap and Detergent Association - did you even know there was such a thing? - three-quarters of Americans engage in spring-cleaning. In fact, their surveys indicated that more than 80 percent of people who spring clean agree that it helps them save time throughout the year, and 96 percent of people donate or discard items during their spring-cleaning.
But the advantages can go much further than that. Check out these top ten spring-cleaning activities, compiled by, that can help make your home healthier and safer:
Thoroughly dust your home. Also clean any air conditioning and heating filters, ducts, and vents to minimize pollens and other airborne allergens.
Organize your medicine cabinet. Throw away expired medications and old prescription medicines that you no longer need.
Inventory your garage and basement. Get rid of any old paint, thinners, oils, solvents, stains, and other similar items you no longer need. Note: You may need to take these items to a hazardous waste drop off center.
Inventory under your sinks and around your house. Dispose of old or potentially toxic cleaning products.
Have your chimney professionally cleaned. This will help you lessen the chances of carbon monoxide exposure when the cold weather returns.
Clean all mold and mildew from bathrooms and other damp areas. Use non-toxic cleaning products.
Check your rugs. Make sure that rugs on bare floors have non-skid mats and that older or dusty mats are either washed or replaced.
Inspect outdoor playground equipment. Make sure that all elements are sturdy and safe, especially guardrails, protruding bolts, and other potential sources of injury.
Change your batteries. Do so for both smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
Collect old batteries throughout the house for disposal. Dispose of them in a battery recycling or hazardous waste center.
And make it easy on yourself - take it one room, one cleaning task at a time. You'll be more likely to accomplish more if you tackle each spring-cleaning project separately. And that's great advice...any time of year!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Grand Opening events at Noterra

The Norterra Shopping Center will have its grand opening this weekend. To check out the events for the weekend, click here.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Clean Up Day At Sonoran Mountain Ranch

Scheduled for Saturday April 19th at 9 AM. Homeowners will meet by the entrance of SMR off of pyramid pkwy to remove debris and trash over by the entrance and off of the pkwy. Please bring trash bags.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Recent comps for February 2008

Average Sales Price was $266,000 and the average Square footage was 2286.

The Average dollar per SqFt = $ 116.36

The lower dollar per sq foot can be attributed to the amount of short sale/foreclosures that occurred. There were three closings and two were short sales.

What is a short sale? Visit my website to get information

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Only stellar buyer's need apply

Bankers and Lenders are rapidly changing their loan requirements as home prices fall and delinquencies on loans set it. To adjust their standards, lenders are increasing applicants credit scores, offering smaller loans and are requiring proof of assets and liabilities.

Long gone are those 100% finance stated income loans.In early 2007, a credit score in the low 600s was enough to get a mortgage. Today anything under 680 is a considered an area of concern from a lender's point of view.

In addition, many lenders are requiring that homeowners put down 20% as a down payment. What does this do for prospective homeowners? Make sure you pay your bills on time. I had a client who forgot to pay her home depot bill one month and it sure enough was sent to collections. Two weeks before her loan was suppose to close. The lender did a final credit check and sure enough the home depot delinquency came up. The lender changed her interest rate. The bill was accidentally forgotten about becuase her son had gotten into a car accident that month and she forgot to pay it. A very innocent mistake that costs her money.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Today I was the student and my client was the teacher

Today I went to a client's walk through. As I pulled into the driveway, I was greeted by an elated client. The time had finally arrived. She had bought a new construction and the build time had gone way past the initial estimated date of completion. We had arrived a few minutes before the builder and therefore took the time to venture inside the house to see the final product! As my client walked around the house, she pointed out the rooms where her children and grandchildren would sleep when they visited. She mentioned how she had bought a new dining room table for her family's Christmas meals and other holiday celebrations. She discussed how she was going to turn her master room suite into a sitting room, so she could relax at the end of the day and do what she loves to do the most-read.

My client had been through a lot the last few months. Her eldest child was in an accident leaving him unable to walk. She had also entered unexpectedly into motherhood again, at the age of 55, when she decided to raise her newborn granddaughter. The house's 6 month construction delay only added stress. Today though, for the first time, in a long time, I saw her smile. Her house was finally ready and she could have her family under one roof and move forward.

When surrounded my daily statistics of countless foreclosures, negative equity, and price drops, as a homeowner and a professional in the industry, it is easy at times to see a home as just a "commodity." A physical good that is bought and sold based solely on its price. As my own home has experienced drastic deprecation since we purchased, I myself have been guilty of that train of thought . Should we have waited to purchase? Did we make the right choice? Will our home's value continue to decline even further? My husband's enthusiasm for our house has been the victim of my profession. "You won't believe how much the builder dropped their price!" "if you could only see the homes that are going for less than what we paid for!" Phrases that have been uttered straight out of the horse's mouth - mine. All the while, my husband stating "Who cares, I still love our house"

My client's happiness and excitement was just what the doctor ordered for me. It reminded me of a few things that I had recently let msyelf forget. I got home and remembered how excited I was when we bought this home, our first home together as husband and wife. The plans we made, similar to my client's. The room my office would go in, the room we would use for our child's nursery. It awakened me to the true meaning of our house and home ownership. The market conditions will one day improve, as they say "this too will pass". Years from now, that pain will be forgotten. The laughs, good times, and yes, at times, not so good memories, though is priceless. I embraced my home today for what it is and what is was always intended to be - not just a sticker price on a window, but a beautiful haven for my family.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Loop 303-Happy Valley Parkway I-17

Here is the latest information regarding the loop 303 connection to the I-17 that will run off of 67th ave and pyramid peak pkwy (the road we travel on to get into Sonoran Mountain Ranch)

I obtained this off of the ADOT site

Schedule: Phase I (2006-2010)
Phase II (2011-2015)
Length: 14 miles
Project Summary: Funding in the Regional Transportation Plan to construct a new four-lane divided roadway to serve as the interim Loop 303 connection to I-17.

During the first stage, a four-lane divided roadway will be constructed from Happy Valley Parkway to I-17. This roadway will include interchanges (overpasses and underpasses) at Happy Valley, Lone Mountain and Lake Pleasant parkways, as well as an interchange with I-17 at Lone Mountain Road that will serve as the interim connection between I-17 and Loop 303 until completion of the full freeway-to-freeway interchange.

ADOT is currently completing the design of this segment. Construction of this section is anticipated to begin in 2009, with completion of the interim roadway expected in 2012.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Shops at Norterra Grand Opening April 18th!

For those Northwest Valley residents, the shops of Norterra will be having their grand opening April 2008. The Shops at Norterra, is an upscale 350,000 square-foot commercial real estate project on Happy Valley Road just east of the Interstate 17 exit. A couple of the stores have already opened including Dick's Sporting Goods and Best Buy.

Harkins Norterra will give moviegoers a chance to see their favorite flicks on their state of the art 14-screen theater. The theather will the first all digital Harkins in the Valley where both blockbuster features and independent films will be shown.Additional stores that will be part of the opening are PF Chang's, Victoria's Secret,Bravo! Cucina Italiana, White House/Black House, American Eagle, Coldwater Creek, Chico's, Pac Sun, and Bath and Body Works.

The area surrounding The Shops at Norterra has seen a rapid growth in its population over the last several years. With beautiful cascading mountain scenery and natural preserves full of hiking and bike paths, the desireable location is quickly becoming the future hot spot of the North Valley.

To see a complete list of the stores click on the link - Norterra Shopping.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

January Sold Comps At Sonoran Mountain Ranch

Here are the homes that sold in the month of January at Sonoran Mountain Ranch:

COE 1/30/2008
Built 2005
Sq ft 2525
Sale Price: $217,500

6927 W Juana DR
COE 1/28/2008
Built 2006
Sq ft 3526
Sale Price: $415,000

6869 W peak view RD
COE 1/14/2006
Built 2006
Sq ft 4054
Sale Price: $381,570

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sonoran Mountain Ranch HOA Information

This is a great website to keep current with the information pertaining to your home ownership. You need to create an account online to access the different features. If you hate mailing your bills, you can arrange to have your HOA fees paid online. Looking for a good dentist or local hair salon? Post your question to the resident forum! There's even a classified section.

You can check out the site at